I'm trying to use Suspense
to show a loading spinner. It works fine when using with fetch
directly. However in some cases it doesn't work since I need to await for data already being fetched from another component.
Navbar --> userStore.fetchUser()
Main --> await userStore.user
<!-- this fetches user -->
<Nav />
<!-- I need to await inside this component -->
<RouterView />
<template #fallback>
I assume this doesn't work since the Suspense
is bit wrapping the Nav. But how can I achieve this since I want the nav to always be visible? And the data needs to be fetched inside Nav to show the user's name.
You can do this the old school way without Suspense
. Just set a variable userInitated: false
in your store, which you set to true
after the user is successfully fetched in the userStore.fetchUser
In your template you can set something like:
<template v-if="userStore.userInitiated">
<template v-else>