
Vue3 await for Pinia data

I'm trying to use Suspense to show a loading spinner. It works fine when using with fetch directly. However in some cases it doesn't work since I need to await for data already being fetched from another component.

Navbar --> userStore.fetchUser()
Main --> await userStore.user


    <!-- this fetches user -->
    <Nav />

      <!-- I need to await inside this component -->
      <RouterView />
      <template #fallback>

I assume this doesn't work since the Suspense is bit wrapping the Nav. But how can I achieve this since I want the nav to always be visible? And the data needs to be fetched inside Nav to show the user's name.


  • You can do this the old school way without Suspense. Just set a variable userInitated: false in your store, which you set to true after the user is successfully fetched in the userStore.fetchUser function.

    In your template you can set something like:

       <template v-if="userStore.userInitiated">
       <template v-else>