
Need help in converting verilog module without input & output ports into synthesizable. Because module without input/output ports is not synthesizable

I created a verilog module for my project, and getting the expected output (but it doesn't has a testbench, it takes required input data by reading a .txt file using $readmemh)

But a module without input or output ports cant be synthesized.

Need to synthesize it using cadence to get area, power reports (Not dumping it on FPGA). If required another top module which instantiates this module can also be used.

Need help to make this code synthesizable (Planar and DC outputs are required to be displayed -

Input : clk

Outputs : Y_Planar_output, Cb_Planar_output, Cr_Planar_output, Y_DC_output_corner, Y_DC_output_left, Y_DC_output_top.

Any extra input/output ports if required can be used to make it synthesizable)


module hevc_v6;

//Registers to store file contents and reference buffer for Y, Cb and Cr
reg [7:0] Y_data[0:291];
reg [7:0] Y_ref_buffer[0:34];

reg [7:0] Cb_data[0:82];
reg [7:0] Cb_ref_buffer[0:18];

reg [7:0] Cr_data[0:82];
reg [7:0] Cr_ref_buffer[0:18];

//Reading pixel values from text file
initial $readmemh("Luma_Y_data_16x16.txt", Y_data);
initial $readmemh("Chroma_Cb_data_8x8.txt", Cb_data);
initial $readmemh("Chroma_Cr_data_8x8.txt", Cr_data);

//Registers for Matrix
reg [7:0] Y_luma_matrix [0:15][0:15];
reg [7:0] Cb_chroma_matrix [0:7][0:7];
reg [7:0] Cr_chroma_matrix [0:7][0:7];

//Registers for Planar and DC prediction outputs for Y, Cb and Cr
reg [11:0] Y_Planar_output [0:15][0:15];
reg [11:0] Y_DC_output_corner;
reg [11:0] Y_DC_output_left [1:15];
reg [11:0] Y_DC_output_top [1:15];

reg [11:0] Cb_Planar_output [0:7][0:7];

reg [11:0] Cr_Planar_output [0:7][0:7];

//Extra registers for Planar prediction
//Luma Y
reg [11:0] Y_pred_h [0:15][0:15];
reg [11:0] Y_pred_v [0:15][0:15];

//Chroma Cb
reg [11:0] Cb_pred_h [0:7][0:7];
reg [11:0] Cb_pred_v [0:7][0:7];

//Chroma Cr
reg [11:0] Cr_pred_h [0:7][0:7];
reg [11:0] Cr_pred_v [0:7][0:7];

//Extra registers for DC prediction
reg [12:0] Y_dc_avg;

//Clock initialization
reg clk;
initial clk = 0;
always #5 clk = ~clk;

//Storing pixel values into matrix  
integer x, y, z;

//Luma Y
    for (x=0; x<256; x=x+1)
        Y_luma_matrix [x/16][x%16] = Y_data[x]; 

//Chroma Cb
    for (y=0; y<64; y=y+1)
        Cb_chroma_matrix [y/8][y%8] = Cb_data[y]; 

//Chroma Cr
    for (z=0; z<64; z=z+1)
        Cr_chroma_matrix [z/8][z%8] = Cr_data[z]; 
//Ref buffer initialization
integer a, b, c;

//Luma Y
    for (a=0; a<35; a=a+1)
        //Y_ref_buffer [a] = 'h80;
        Y_ref_buffer [a] = Y_data[256+a];

//Chroma Cb
    for (b=0; b<19; b=b+1)
        //Cb_ref_buffer [b] = 'h80;
        Cb_ref_buffer [b] = Cb_data[64+b];

//Chroma Cr
    for (c=0; c<19; c=c+1)
        //Cr_ref_buffer [c] = 'h80;
        Cr_ref_buffer [c] = Cr_data[64+c];

integer e,f,g,h,i,j;

//Luma Y
always @(posedge clk)
    for (f=0; f<16; f=f+1)  
        for (e=0; e<16; e=e+1) 
            Y_pred_h [f][e] = (16-1-e) * Y_ref_buffer[19+f] + (e+1) * Y_ref_buffer[1];
            Y_pred_v [f][e] = (16-1-f) * Y_ref_buffer[3+e] + (f+1) * Y_ref_buffer[2];
            Y_Planar_output [f][e] = (Y_pred_h [f][e] + Y_pred_v [f][e] + 16 ) >> (4+1);                

//Chroma Cb
always @(posedge clk)
    for (h=0; h<8; h=h+1)   
        for (g=0; g<8; g=g+1) 
            Cb_pred_h [h][g] = (8-1-g) * Cb_ref_buffer[11+h] + (g+1) * Cb_ref_buffer[1];
            Cb_pred_v [h][g] = (8-1-h) * Cb_ref_buffer[3+g] + (h+1) * Cb_ref_buffer[2];
            Cb_Planar_output [h][g] = (Cb_pred_h [h][g] + Cb_pred_v [h][g] + 8 ) >> (3+1);              

//Chroma Cr
always @(posedge clk)
    for (j=0; j<8; j=j+1)   
        for (i=0; i<8; i=i+1) 
            Cr_pred_h [j][i] = (8-1-i) * Cr_ref_buffer[11+j] + (i+1) * Cr_ref_buffer[1];
            Cr_pred_v [j][i] = (8-1-j) * Cr_ref_buffer[3+i] + (j+1) * Cr_ref_buffer[2];
            Cr_Planar_output [j][i] = (Cr_pred_h [j][i] + Cr_pred_v [j][i] + 8 ) >> (3+1);              

integer m,n;

//For only Luma Y
always @(posedge clk)
    Y_dc_avg = (Y_ref_buffer[3] + Y_ref_buffer[4] + Y_ref_buffer[5] + Y_ref_buffer[6] + Y_ref_buffer[7] + Y_ref_buffer[8] + Y_ref_buffer[9] + Y_ref_buffer[10] + Y_ref_buffer[11] + Y_ref_buffer[12] + Y_ref_buffer[13] + Y_ref_buffer[14] + Y_ref_buffer[15] + Y_ref_buffer[16] + Y_ref_buffer[17] + Y_ref_buffer[18] + Y_ref_buffer[19] + Y_ref_buffer[20] + Y_ref_buffer[21] + Y_ref_buffer[22] + Y_ref_buffer[23] + Y_ref_buffer[24] + Y_ref_buffer[25] + Y_ref_buffer[26] + Y_ref_buffer[27] + Y_ref_buffer[28] + Y_ref_buffer[29] + Y_ref_buffer[30] + Y_ref_buffer[31] + Y_ref_buffer[32] + Y_ref_buffer[33] + Y_ref_buffer[34]) >> (4+1);
    Y_DC_output_corner = (Y_ref_buffer [19] + 2 * Y_dc_avg + Y_ref_buffer[3] + 2) >> 2;
    for (m=1; m<16; m=m+1)
        Y_DC_output_left [m] = (Y_ref_buffer[3+m] + 3 * Y_dc_avg + 2) >> 2;
    for (n=1; n<16; n=n+1)
        Y_DC_output_top [n] = (Y_ref_buffer[19+n] + 3 * Y_dc_avg + 2) >> 2;


Help is appreciated!

These are the 3 text files, you can copy these data into notepad (notepad++ would be better i feel)


99 9C 99 96 9C 9A 99 9A 9B 97 99 98 98 98 96 98 9A 9B 9D 9D 9A 9C 99 9A 99 97 9B 98 98 98 9B 9B 9D 9B 9C 9B 9B 9E 97 9A 9A 99 99 9A 9A 98 99 9A 9F 9E 9A 99 9A 9C 9B 9B 9C 9C 9A 9A 99 9A 99 98 9B 9B 9A 99 9B 9E 9D 9E 9C 9B 9C 9A 9B 9A 9B 98 9F 9D 9B 9C 9C 9F 9D 9E 9B 9A 9A 9B 9E 9C 9A 99 A1 A0 9D A0 9D 9D 9F 9D 9B 9F 9A 9B 9D 9E 9B 9A 9F A0 A1 9C 9E 9E 9A 9F 9D 9F 9E 9F 9D 9C A0 9C 9F A1 A0 9C 9F 9F 9E 9D 9F A1 9F 9E 9D 9C 9F 9D A3 A1 A2 A1 9E A0 A1 9D 9F 9C A0 9E 9C 9E 9F 9F A0 9F A2 9F A3 9E 9F 9F A0 9F A0 A0 A2 A1 A0 9E A2 A2 A5 A4 A1 9F 9F A0 A1 9F 9F A1 A3 A0 9F A1 A5 A5 A2 A0 A3 A2 9F A0 A4 A2 A1 9E 9F A3 9B 9E A6 A2 A3 A1 A2 A2 A3 A1 A1 A5 A3 A2 A3 A1 9A A1 A5 A2 A2 A3 A1 A5 A3 A2 A2 A3 A2 A3 A3 A0 A0 9F A5 A7 A7 A2 A1 A5 A3 A3 A3 9F A4 A1 A2 A1 A0 9F

98 98 A4 99 96 97 9A 98 9C 9A 97 9A 99 99 9A 98 99 9A 99 9A 99 9D 9D 9B 9E 9F 9E 9F A1 A1 9F A3 A2 A5 A2


84 84 85 85 85 86 86 86 84 84 85 85 85 86 86 86 84 84 84 85 85 85 85 85 83 83 84 84 84 84 83 84 84 84 83 84 84 83 83 83 82 82 83 83 84 83 83 83 81 81 82 83 83 82 82 82 81 81 82 83 82 82 82 82

86 88 80 86 86 86 87 88 86 85 86 83 83 83 83 83 83 82 80


68 68 69 69 69 68 68 68 68 68 69 69 69 68 68 68 68 68 68 69 69 68 68 68 68 67 68 6A 69 68 68 68 6A 6A 6A 69 69 68 68 68 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 69 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6B 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A

68 66 6C 69 69 68 68 68 67 66 67 68 68 69 69 69 6A 6A 6A


  • Here is a list of synthesis concerns for the OP and how to address them:

          for (z=0; z<64; z=z+1)
            Cr_chroma_matrix [z/8][z%8] = Cr_data[z]
        // Chroma Cr
        always @(posedge clk)
          for (j=0; j<8; j=j+1) begin
            for (i=0; i<8; i=i+1) begin
              // infers a lot of multiplies             

    Keep in mind that synthesis targets a physical device with finite resources; write the RTL to model within the limits of those resources.

    If these concerns are addressed, then the design should synthesize.

    Write a testbench if you want to understand how the changed design works. The timing will be different for initial blocks with for loops replaced by synchronous processes.