
Google Lookerstudio (datastudio) stop working: Error Invalid combination of metrics and dimensions

For almost a year I had a super basic report on Google LookerStudio (DataStudio) where I could see my events example a page view and how many views did have this specific page

Title event count
slug 1 view_item 200
slug 2 view_item 127

For many months this has worked but suddenly from mid Feb all my reports has stopped working with the only error "Invalid combination of metrics and dimensions".

A couple of screenshot on how basic is the report and the configuration is setup.

enter image description here

enter image description here

if I remove the view option from metric I'm able to see all the information regarding Title and event, but obviously I'm not able to know how many occurrence of them have happened. So the information is there.

Nothing has been modified on my side and I'm not able to get even old records so my guess is something has changed internally on google but I'm not able to find what has changed that made break my report. Any ideas?


  • Solved:

    On 9th of March they changed the name of the variables my project was using like items views and that was the reason it breaks (even tho they are still visible on the dashboard)

    Further detail on their changelog: