I'm importing a .csv file which I'm then modifying using calculated properties in a PSCustomObject. I'm stuck on one calculation where I'm attempting to lookup a value from a datarow object using one of the .csv values. We receive data with the supplier Part No and I need to lookup our corresponding Part No. Would you be able to suggest how best to do this please?
The csv content looks like this:
Vendor Code,Part No,Part Description,Bonded,Quantity,PO No,Vendor Ref
TEZ,ABC1234,Dark Blue,No,50,4378923,ORD089234
The SQL query $SKUs returns this as datarows:
TYP-5063 ABC1234
TYP-5037 BBC1256
TYP-8069 ACD1349
So I'm looking to use the 'Part No' field from the .csv file to run a lookup against $SKUs.VALUE and return the matching $SKUs.ITEMNO.
The output .csv will then include a column called 'OUR_SKU' containing the $SKUs.ITEMNO value.
Here is my code so far:
$Files = Get-ChildItem -Path "D:\Imports\Test\INVENTORY_HUB_RECEIPTS"
$ProcessingPath = "D:\Imports\Test\INVENTORY_HUB_RECEIPTS\Processing\"
$UKEntity = "TESTTRG"
$SKUs = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance "localhost" -Database "XXXX" -Query "SELECT RTRIM(ITEMNO) AS ITEMNO, RTRIM(VALUE) AS VALUE FROM [XXXX].[dbo].[ICITEMO] WHERE OPTFIELD = 'CUSTITMNO' AND VALUE <>''"
foreach ($file in $Files) {
$Content = (Import-Csv -path ($ProcessingPath + $file.Name)) |
Select-Object @{n='HUB_ID'; e={ $HUB_ID }},
@{e={$_.'Part No'}; l='PART_NO'},
@{e={$_.Quantity}; l='QTY_RECEIVED'},
@{n='ENTITY'; e={ $UKEntity }},
@{e={$_.'Vendor Ref'.Substring($_.'Vendor Ref'.Length -8)}; l='ORDER_ID'},
@{n='OUR_SKU'; e={ $SKUs | Where-Object {$($_.VALUE) -eq '123ABC'} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ITEMNO}},
@{n='OUR_SKU_X'; e={ $SKUs | Where-Object {$($_.VALUE) -eq $_.'PART_NO'} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ITEMNO}}
if ($Content.Count -eq 0) {Remove-Item ($ProcessingPath + $file.Name)} else {$Content | Export-Csv -Path ($ProcessingPath + $file.Name) -Not -Force}
I've tried two examples for the new property 'OUR_SKU' this works but is obviously a static value. The property 'OUR_SKU_X' is my attempt to use the supplied $.'PART_NO' and this currently returns a blank field. The variable $SKUs does contain data and so does $.'PART_NO'. I'm thinking it's either a simple syntax error or it's not possible to use $_.'PART_NO' in the script block?
Per comments, inside the where-object
scriptblock on the line:
$SKUs | Where-Object {$($_.VALUE) -eq $_.'PART_NO'}
the automatic variable $_
relates to the individual items piped in from $SKUs
, which hides the outer $_
from the $Content = (Import-Csv ...) | Select-Object ...
If you want to be able to access the outer $_
inside the where-object
you'll need to capture it into a temporary variable like this:
e={ $tmp = $_; $SKUs | Where-Object { $_.VALUE -eq $tmp.PARTNO } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ITEMNO}}
Here's a cut-down example:
$parts = @"
Vendor Code,Part No,Part Description,Bonded,Quantity,PO No,Vendor Ref
TEZ,ABC1234,Dark Blue,No,50,4378923,ORD089234
"@ | ConvertFrom-Csv
$skus = @"
"@ | ConvertFrom-Csv
$results = $parts | select-object @(
@{l="PART_NO"; e={ $_."Part No" } },
@{l="DESC"; e={ $_."Part Description" } },
@{n='OUR_SKU'; e={ $part = $_; $skus | where-object { $_.VALUE -eq $part."Part No" } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ITEMNO} }
Note the $part = $_;
and $_.VALUE -eq $part."Part No"
inside the definition of the third calculated property.
The output from the above is:
------- ---- -------
ABC1234 Dark Blue TYP-5063
BBC1256 Orange TYP-5037
ACD1349 Green TYP-8069