
Ada2012: Assertion_Policy

According Ada2012 RM Assertion_Policy:

10.2/3 A pragma Assertion_Policy applies to the named assertion aspects in a specific region, and applies to all assertion expressions specified in that region. A pragma Assertion_Policy given in a declarative_part or immediately within a package_specification applies from the place of the pragma to the end of the innermost enclosing declarative region. The region for a pragma Assertion_Policy given as a configuration pragma is the declarative region for the entire compilation unit (or units) to which it applies.

This means that if I have a package hierarchy as per the following example:

    │   └───GrandSon

And if I define the pragma Assertion_Policy at Root package specification, it will affect to the whole package hierarchy right?


  • And if I define the pragma Assertion_Policy at Root package specification, it will affect to the whole package hierarchy right?


    What your bolded text means is that (a) the pragma is placed immediately in a specification, like so:

    Pragme Ada_2012;                -- Placed "immediately".
    Pragma Assertion_Policy(Check); -- Also "immediately".
    Package Some_Spec is --... and so on.

    or (b) in a declarative part:

    Procedure Outer_Scope is
       Pragma Assertion_Polucy( Ignore ); -- Declarative region.
       X : Some_Type:= Possibly_Assertion_Failing_Operation;
       Package Inner_Scope is
        -- the stuff in here would ALSO ignore assertions.
       End Inner_Scope;
       Package Body Inner_Scope is Separate;
      if X'Valid then
        Null; -- Do things on the valid value of X.
      end if; -- Because we're ignoring the invalid case.
    End Outer_Scope;

    So, they apply not to children, but to the spec/body/declarative-region itself.