I've made a "biome gridmap playground" app which help to design biomes for a 2D grid map using simplex noise. The algorithm is roughly this: for each grid map tile, we look at the noises values (moisture and height) at this coordinate, determine the color of the tile and then render it on the canvas. It is very slow when there are hundreds of tiles. Also, rendering the canvas blocks the main thread and therefore the UI, which is very annoying. I think this could be solved by using Web Workers. However, it would not fix my main issue: canvas rendering seems to be slow. I'm wondering if using threejs could improve performances? Or maybe there is a smarter algorithm I could implement?
Nice APP "biome gridmap playground" :)
You are wasting a lot of time changing GPU state by setting ctx.fillStyle
for each tile.
GPU State changes are a major source of slowdown for all apps that use the GPU (even native apps) Always go out of your way to avoid GPU state changes as they are evil.
Rather than use the 2D API to fill tiles (gridMap
) change the image pixels directly using the CPU.
Create the 2D API with option canvas.getContext("2d", {willReadFrequently: true})
this will disable the GPU for the 2D API (as we will not be using it)
Get the pixels using ctx.getImageData. The data contains the raw pixel data.
You can then write directly to the image data buffer and avoid all state changes in the process.
Using drawRawMap as an example.
Details of drawRawMap
and get2DCanvas
with tile size 1 to fill with B/W pixelsimageData
and uses view of Uint32Array
to have single write per pixel.pxLu
to convert raw 0 - 255 values to gray scale pixelsThis will be an order of magnitude faster (at least) than the existing code.
You can do the same with other rendering calls. Draw to a working canvas pixels', use lookup table to get pixels colors. Use tile size 1 to avoid needing to set more than one pixel per tile, and scale by tilesize
when drawing the result to display canvas.
// Assumes tileSize > 0 && width > 0 && height > 0
// Assumes rawMap rows and columns match height and width
// Assumes sizes rawMap.length === height && rawMap[0 to height - 1].length === width
drawRawMap(name, rawMap, width, height, tilesize) {
// Next 4 lines best done only when needed (eg width or height change)
const wCanvas = Object.assign(document.createElement("canvas"), {width, height}); // create working canvas
const wCtx = wCanvas.getContext("2d", {willReadFrequently: true});
const imgData = wCtx.getImageData(0, 0, width, height);
const d32 = new Uint32Array(imgData.data.buffer); // get 32 bit int view of pixels
// Next 2 lines best done once
const pxLu = new Uint32Array(256); // Lookup gray scale pixels
for (let i = 0; i < 255; i ++) { pxLu[i] = 0xFF000000 | (i << 16) | (i << 8) | i; }
// draw rawMap into 32bit pixel view d32
var idx = 0;
for (const row of rawMap) { // assumes rows
for (const val of row) { // val for each column
d32[idx++] = pxLu[(val + 1) * 0.5 * 255 | 0]; // assumes val -1 to 1 convert to 0 -255, the | 0 forces integer
wCtx.putImageData(imgData, 0, 0); // move pixels to work canvas
// draw working canvas onto display canvas.
const ctx = this.get2DCanvas(name, width, height, tilesize);
if (!ctx) { return; /* Fatal error */ }
ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = false;
ctx.drawImage(wCanvas, 0, 0, width * tilesize, height * tileSize);
ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = true;
get2DCanvas(name, width, height, tilesize, gap = 0) {
const canvas = document.getElementById(name);
canvas.width = width * (tilesize + gap);
canvas.height = height * (tilesize + gap);
return canvas.getContext("2d");
You can get improvement via workers but it will be complicated as moving data between offscreen canvases has many caveats.
Using a generator function you can split the task into sections (eg per row). Using yield
to stop the generator functions' execution (without dumping its context) and let UI have a go.
You can display the result using a timer (eg requestAnimationFrame
) as the data is created. The timer just calls next()
on the generator to process the next section (row).
If the generator is less than 16ms per section (yield token) the user will experience zero lag.
An example of a generator to show progress to a solution.
This will prevent the task from blocking the UI and let the user see the progress to the solution (or wait till done to show result).
I did not look at the source of your simplex noise, the following is a fork of open simplex noise that has a good performance increase on the original.