
How to get a youtube channelid from the channels link programmatically

I need to get the channelid of a youtube channel (to use the youtube data api) with the link of the channel. The problem is that there are a few types of links for a youtube channel. The first one is where the channel id is in the link:

This is ok because i can just extract the channelid from the link. The problem comes with the second one:

This is the link you normally get for a youtube channel and it has a @ instead of the channelid.

When i use the youtube api to get the channel id of a not so popular channel i get the wrong results:[API_KEY]

I would like to get the channel info and channelid for the channel with the @pewdiepie6 handle.

But i get the more popular channel with the @pewdiepie6802 handle. Also, i get more than 1 channel as a result.

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        "publishedAt": "2017-04-23T06:06:06Z",
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        "title": "PewDiePie 6",
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        "title": "Marian Pewdiepie 6",
        "description": "Nu voi mai posta mai mult de 1 an căci nu prea am vhef Dar totuși dați subscribe.",
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        "publishedAt": "2019-03-09T20:56:38Z",
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I also tried to extract the channelid out of the javascript of the page but using Beautiful Soup. But i could not get it to return the right javascript.

There is also a second api link with the forUsername parameter. But with this link it tries to look for a user which uploads on a channel which is not what i want.

At the end of the day i want a safe method to get the channel id with the channels link. => UCl-0ct6u2AAfsqGGgVh5dEw

(I got this manually out of the @pewdiepie6 javascript file from the page at externalid)


  • Youtube Data api still doesn't support Handle. Therefore, the safest method for now is curl or file_get_contents. Example php code of file_get_contents to get channel id:

      $connect= file_get_contents("");
      $channeli = explode('<meta property="og:site_name" content="YouTube"><meta property="og:url" content="', $connect);   
      $channeli = explode('">', $channeli[1]); 
      echo " Channel ID url: $channelidurl";

    The example is on this page, it pulls the channel ID url with the same method using the same logic as I mentioned above: Youtube Monetization Checker enter image description here There is no other method for now.