
Tracing source of error in difflib due to very different string comparison

I am processing a large amount of text data (11m rows), and get the error below. Is there a way I can trace the row of text that's causing this error?

My code:

from difflib import ndiff # find differences between strings
import pandas as pd
from tqdm import tqdm # add a timer to pandas apply()
tqdm.pandas() # start timer

# read in all keystrokes
dat = pd.read_csv("all_ks_dat_good.csv", delimiter="|",

# use the ndiff function to find additions to strings, i.e. c[0]=='+'
def diff(x):
    s1 = str(x['last_text'])
    s2 = str(x['scrubbed_text'])
    l = [c[-1] for c in ndiff(s1, s2) if c[0] == '+']
    return ''.join(l)

# add a column for the additional keystrokes, 
# using tqdm's progress_apply() instead of apply()
dat['add_ks'] = dat.progress_apply(diff, axis=1)

dat.to_csv('all_ks_word_dat.csv', sep="|", encoding="utf-8")

The abridged error:

  File "/home/goodkindan/.conda/envs/ks0/lib/python3.11/", line 997, in _fancy_helper
    yield from g
  File "/home/goodkindan/.conda/envs/ks0/lib/python3.11/", line 985, in _fancy_replace
    yield from self._fancy_helper(a, best_i+1, ahi, b, best_j+1, bhi)
  File "/home/goodkindan/.conda/envs/ks0/lib/python3.11/", line 997, in _fancy_helper
    yield from g
  File "/home/goodkindan/.conda/envs/ks0/lib/python3.11/", line 915, in _fancy_replace
    cruncher = SequenceMatcher(self.charjunk)
  File "/home/goodkindan/.conda/envs/ks0/lib/python3.11/", line 182, in __init__
    self.set_seqs(a, b)
  File "/home/goodkindan/.conda/envs/ks0/lib/python3.11/", line 194, in set_seqs
  File "/home/goodkindan/.conda/envs/ks0/lib/python3.11/", line 248, in set_seq2
  File "/home/goodkindan/.conda/envs/ks0/lib/python3.11/", line 288, in __chain_b
    for elt in b2j.keys():


  • For debugging purposes, you could try to iterate on the dataframe with Pandas iterrows and print the row causing the error, like this:

    for _, row in dat.iterrows():
        except Exception: