
How can I find the XPATH or the CSS locator of any element on an HTML web page

I am trying to find the locator of an element in a screen using chrome. I am using Inspect elements but I don't know how to extract the locator for my automated UI testing. How can I do that. Here is an example of the element I am trying to locate

I am trying to locate the Login button. I do not need to locate the login button I need to know about a strategy to locate anything I want. How can I extract any locator I want? enter image description here


  • To extract a locator for an element in Chrome's Inspect Elements, you can follow these steps:

    Reference :

        Using id attribute: If the element has a unique id attribute, you can use it as a locator. For example:"loginButton").
        Using class attribute: If the element has a unique class, you can use it as a locator. For example: By.className("login-button").
        Using other attributes: If there are no unique id or class attributes, you can use other attributes like name, data-*, or cssSelector. For example: By.cssSelector("button[data-testid='loginButton']").