
terragrunt apply from root folder

I need to work with terraform and terragrunt. There would be like 15 20 resources/services of AWS I need to deploy using IAC, while working on terragrunt what I found is if one of the layer needs to be applied, I need to go into that particular directory and run terragrunt plan/apply.

I was thinking if there is possible way to do the terragrunt apply just by sitting on the root folder. My folder structure now:

Root folder: terraform/

Then for terragrunt similarly as layers(tf) environments(terragrunt/hcl) is also in the terraform folder:


Is there a way to apply iam-policies or sagemaker layer from the root folder i.e terraform?


  • You can use the terragrunt-include-dir flag for this.

    terragrunt plan-all --terragrunt-include-dir "iam-policies" --terragrund-include-dir "sagemaker"

    There are other CLI options that can be combined to achieve even finer selections in your directories.