
How to generate random coordinates outside the circle contained in a rectangular region?


  1. Rectangular region with length l & breadth b
  2. Circle with radius r
  3. Circle is contained in rectangular region like shown in below image

See image here - Red are expecting evenly distributed coordinates

Then how to generate random coordinates outside the circle contained in a rectangular region and evenly distributed? (in blue region of below image)


  • Generate two random values in ranges (uniform distribution in rectangle)

    a = Math.random() * width
    b = Math.random() * height

    check if point lies outside the circle:

    (a-center_x)*(a-center_x)+(b-center_y)*(b-center_y) > r*r

    if not - repeat random generation until condition becomes true (this is rejection method)

    enter image description here

    Generated by this Delphi code for reference

      Hgt, Wdt, i, N, CX, CY, R, x, y: Integer;
      Hgt := 300;
      Wdt := 400;
      CX := 220;
      CY := 120;
      R := 100;
      N := 15000;
      for i := 0 to N-1 do begin
        x := Round(Random() * Wdt);
        y := Round(Random() * Hgt);
        while (x-CX)*(x-CX)+(y-CY)*(y-CY) < R*R do begin
          x := Round(Random() * Wdt);
          y := Round(Random() * Hgt);
        Canvas.Pixels[x, y] := clRed;