
NEXT JS 13 infinite loop on use State, Error on Params, and error on hook definition

I am trying to create a shopping cart with NEXT JS and I am facing different errors in my code. first thing first I have created a route [product]/[productitems] in my apps folder. in my page.tsx file of [productitems]. I am fetching params to get the product as well as ID of my product. I am using for the content of data and used its client.fetch() method to fetch the images.

it is not allowing me to declare my useState below the fetch method so that I can set my default values. If I try to declare them below fetch method I receive 2 errors

TypeError: Cannot destructure property 'params' of 'param' as it is undefined

Invalid hook call. Hooks can only be called inside of the body of a function component

The only way I got rid of this error is by declaring the my state at the top of my component.

But now I am receiving two more errors. I am unable to update states with onClick methods. and my code goes to infinite loop as soon as I click to update quantity or click on any image. what should I do?

  const ProductItem = async ({params}:{params:{
  productitem:string, product:string}}) => {
    const [quantity,setQuantity] = useState(1);
    const [imageURL,setImageUrl] = useState('');

    const response = await client.fetch(`*[_type=="product" && _id =="${params.productitem}" && category->name =="${params.product}"]{

      return <>
      <div className='mt-8 mb-12 flex flex-col lg:flex-row lg:gap-4 justify-center gap-2 mx-4 border-b-4'>
       <div className='flex flex-row lg:flex-col gap-2 justify-center rounded m-4 px-4'>
            return <Image src={urlForImage(items).url()} alt="product1" width={100} height={125} className='max-h-[125px] max-w-[100px] object-contain object-top' key={items._key} onClick={(event)=>{

       <div className='rounded flex justify-center my-4 mx-2'>
          <Image src={imageURL ? imageURL : urlForImage(response[0].image[0]).url()} alt="product main" width={315} height={450}className='max-h-[450px] h-auto max-w-full object-contain object-top'/>

       <div className='lg:my-4 lg:mx-2 flex flex-col lg:p-4 mx-auto' >
          <h1 className='text-xl font-semibold'>BRUSHED RAGLAN SWEATSHIRT</h1>
          <h4 className='text-lg font-bold text-gray-500'>Sweater</h4>
          <div className='mt-5 flex flex-col'>
              <h5 className='text-lg font-semibold'>SELECT SIZE</h5>
              <div className='text-lg my-1 space-x-8 py-1'>
                    <span className='rounded border-2 inline font-bold p-2'>XL</span>
                    <span className='rounded border-2 inline font-bold p-2'>L</span>
                    <span className='rounded border-2 inline font-bold p-2'>M</span>
                    <span className='rounded border-2 inline font-bold p-2'>S</span>

              <div className='my-4 space-y-2'>
                  <label className='font-bold'>Quantity:</label>
                  <div className='flex flex-row gap-x-2 items-center'>
                        <Button className=' border-2 ' onClick={()=>{
                            quantity + 1 
                        <h6 className='text-xl font-bold'>{quantity}</h6>
                        <Button className=' border-2 ' onClick={()=>{

                          setQuantity(quantity + 1)

                        <h4 className='mx-10 text-2xl font-bold'>$ 195.00</h4>

                  <Button className='my-2'>
                      <ShoppingCart className="mr-2 h-4 w-4" /> Add To Cart
    <div className='mt-8 flex flex-col flex-wrap sm:max-w-[65%] gap-2 justify-center mx-auto mb-8'>
      <h1 className='text-2xl font-bold px-2'>Product Information</h1>
      <p className=' text-justify text-lg text-gray-500 px-2'>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Expedita earum aspernatur sapiente ut amet quae odit eius totam! Et cupiditate dolores eligendi. Maxime veniam nemo quia eveniet harum mollitia possimus?</p>

I get this infinite loop as soon as I click + or - button or even any of my 3 images where on click is called


  • Okay I found a solution of my problem, In next JS we got server side components and Client Components. The Problem Lies in the fetch method since this component is client side I cannot call Fetch method to it as this feature is purely of Server components. I have used use Effect hook to call the API that I was calling using fetch method. since it broke infinite loop hell my code began to run properly. comment down if anyone wants the code snippet I will post it for you.