
Jetpack compose Lazycolumn, wrong index when tapping on canvas item

I use a LazyColumn in Jetpack Compose and draw 2 canvas items (4 if screen is rotated) on each row. When i click on one canvas item, I want the canvas to be disabled (background red). I also draw a text item on each canvas to see the index number. This looks something like this (numRows = 64):

modifier = Modifier
    .padding(horizontal = 8.dp)) {
items(numRows) { rowIndex ->


In CanvasRow I draw the canvas items, a text with the current index and have click listeners like this:

fun CanvasRow(
    canvasIndex: Int,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    disabled: Boolean)
        modifier = modifier
            .pointerInput(Unit) {
                    onTap = { mMainViewModel.onClicked(canvasIndex) },
                    onLongPress = {
            .background(if (disabled) Color.Red else Color.Black),
        color = Color.Transparent
    ) {
        Canvas(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {

                points = points,
                color = Color.White,
                strokeWidth = 2.0f,
                pointMode = PointMode.Polygon

            drawIntoCanvas { canvas ->
                val text = (canvasIndex + 1).toString()
                val fontSize = 12.sp
                val textColor = Color.White.copy(alpha = 0.75f)

                val textX = 20f
                val textY = fontSize.toPx() + 10f
                canvas.nativeCanvas.drawText(text, textX, textY, textPaint)

So, when my ViewModel data changes, the ui is recomposed and the canvas items are drawn and all the text items have the correct index. When I scroll down or up, everything works and looks good. Only thing is, when I click on an canvas item after scrolled down or up, the wrong index is passed to my Viewmodel. I know, that there is a key identifier in LazyColumn, but I don´t know how to use this in this case correctly, because I don´t get the items from my Viewmodel directly, I draw periodically some data on the canvas items when my data in my Viewmodel changes. How can I solve this problem that my Viewmodel gets the incorrect item index when I click on a canvas after scrolling down or up in LazyColumn?


  • If anyone is interested, I used an alpha version of Compose which caused all the problems! After changing the version to a stable Compose version, everything works as expected. Never thought, that this would be such a problem!