I have been looking at implementing NextAuth with username and password credentials and I am not finding a way to return custom errors to the client side. It seems that I can only return a 200 ok or a redirection to an error page from the authorize method, where then you could add a custom error to a query string. However that is not a proper solution to my case as I need the client side to simply receive a custom error code or message from the sigIn call.
How do you return custom errors like
"Invalid email address"
"Account blocked"
"Invalid password"
Or any other customization required?
I found the solution that I needed by implementing a signIn callback. The authorize method can return a custom object and the signIn callback catches it and handles it accordingly.
See the documentation here
// [...nextauth].js
providers: [
// credentials provider
type: 'credentials',
credentials: {},
// authorization function
async authorize(credentials, req) {
const { credential, password } = credentials
if (myCustomCondition) {
return { error: 'my custom error' };
return data // success
callbacks: {
async signIn({ user, account, profile, email, credentials })
if(user?.error === 'my custom error') {
throw new Error('custom error to the client')
return true
On the client side we can evaluate the error message and act accordingly:
const res = await signIn('credentials', {
credential: data.credential,
password: data.password,
redirect: false
if (res?.status == 200) {
} else if(res?.error === 'custom error to the client') {
// handle this particular error
} else {
// handle generic error