
Using caddy to serve a tracking pixel (base64 encoded)

I am trying to setup a very simple beacon (pixel tracking) server. Currently all I want to do is have caddy respond with a 1px transparent gif to every request. The URLs will be logged and then we'll parse out the analytics data we're after. However, I can't get Caddy to serve the gif! It appears as a broken image.



header Content-Type "image/gif"
header Content-Encoding "base64"
respond /* 200 {

I believe that is the correct encoding for a base64 gif. Tested it with

  [<img src="http://localhost:2015/foo.gif" />]
 [<img src="">]


If you load that up, you'll see the inline one is fine, but, the other is not.

I don't particularly want to have to serve an actual file (or use file_server or anything else), however, if that's the only way then I'll do it.

Any help would be wonderful!

-------------Edited to add---------

After the helpful comment I ended up with this simple caddyfile to serve a 1px image. I placed the pix.gif inside /home/patrick/caddplay/temp/pix.gif and then rewrite all requests to that. Seems to work just fine.


header Content-Type "image/gif"
handle /* {
    root * /home/patrick/caddplay/temp
    rewrite * /pix.gif


  • No* browsers support base64 as a content-encoding value for a response body, as opposed to gzip, deflate and br (Brotli), which are commonplace.

    If you're aiming at the highest possible performance, perhaps this can help you:

    * neither popular browsers nor any esoteric UA I know of.