I am using MPAndroidChart to create a chart inside my application.
I want to remove all the empty space that is not covered by the graph. As you can see, there are some empty spaces for all 4 sides.
I tried using HorizontalBarChart.setViewPortOffsets(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f)
function but it does not seems to be fully working.
Here is my Code.
package com.example.unimarks
import android.graphics.Color
import android.os.Bundle
import android.view.LayoutInflater
import android.view.View
import android.view.ViewGroup
import androidx.fragment.app.Fragment
import com.github.mikephil.charting.charts.HorizontalBarChart
import com.github.mikephil.charting.charts.PieChart
import com.github.mikephil.charting.components.Legend
import com.github.mikephil.charting.data.BarData
import com.github.mikephil.charting.data.BarDataSet
import com.github.mikephil.charting.data.BarEntry
import com.github.mikephil.charting.data.PieData
import com.github.mikephil.charting.data.PieDataSet
import com.github.mikephil.charting.data.PieEntry
import com.github.mikephil.charting.formatter.PercentFormatter
import com.github.mikephil.charting.utils.ColorTemplate
class SummaryFragment : Fragment() {
override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
override fun onCreateView(
inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?,
savedInstanceState: Bundle?
): View? {
// Inflate the layout for this fragment
return inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_summary, container, false)
private fun buildMarkDistributionChart() {
private fun buildCourseProgressChart() {
val chart = view?.findViewById<HorizontalBarChart>(R.id.course_progress_chart)
val chartList : ArrayList<BarEntry> = ArrayList()
chartList.add(BarEntry(62.5f, 1f))
val barDataSet = BarDataSet(chartList, null)
barDataSet.setColors(intArrayOf(Color.rgb(37, 179, 54)), 255)
val legend : Legend? = chart?.legend
legend?.isEnabled = false
barDataSet.valueTextSize = 15f
barDataSet.valueTextColor = Color.BLACK
chart?.data = BarData(barDataSet)
chart?.description?.isEnabled = false;
chart?.xAxis?.isEnabled = false
chart?.axisLeft?.isEnabled = false
chart?.axisRight?.isEnabled = false
chart?.setViewPortOffsets(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f)
chart?.setBackgroundColor(Color.rgb(233, 233, 233))
Looking at the Github issue here and the similar question here (whose solutions no longer work) the solution here is to:
object (width is in chart units)Here is an example based on your code:
val chartList = listOf(
BarEntry(62.5f, 1.0f)
val barDataSet = BarDataSet(chartList, null)
intArrayOf(Color.rgb(37, 179, 54)),
chart.legend.isEnabled = false
barDataSet.valueTextSize = 15f
barDataSet.valueTextColor = Color.BLACK
val d = BarData(barDataSet)
// Step 1 - Set the bar width to something so it fills the chart
d.barWidth = 1f
chart.data = d
chart.description.isEnabled = false
chart.xAxis.isEnabled = false
// Step 2 - set the horizontal axis limits
// (removes extra horizontal space from the default limits)
chart.axisLeft.axisMinimum = 0f
chart.axisLeft.axisMaximum = 2f
chart.axisRight.isEnabled = false
chart.axisLeft.isEnabled = false
// Step 3 - Set the "Min Offset" to 0 on the chart and remove the
// manually specified viewPortOffsets
chart.minOffset = 0f
chart.setBackgroundColor(Color.rgb(233, 233, 233))