I have an .Net 4, MVC 3 site that utilizes the jquery Colorbox plug in. Everything works as expected, however, I want to allow individual <a>
tags to customize the options of the colorbox.
On the web page is an <a>
<a class="AddNewItem"
href="@Url.Action("Create", "Phone", new { masterSID = ViewData["MasterSID"] })"
cboxOptions='transition: "fade", scrolling: false, overlayClose: false, height: "100%"'>
Add Phone
In a js file I have the following code:
$(document).ready(function () {
$(".AddNewItem").colorbox($.extend({ title: "Add New Item" },
function SetCboxOptions(obj) {
var options = {};
if ($(obj).attr("cboxOptions") != undefined) {
var hash;
var hashes = $(obj).attr("cboxOptions").replace(' ', '').split(',');
for (var i = 0; i < hashes.length; i++) {
hash = hashes[i].split(':');
options[hash[0]] = hash[1];
return options;
When i click the link, a pop-up windows appears with the correct form generated by calling /Phone/Create?masterSID=#. Validation works, and submitting works.
Here is the problem
None of the options set in the <a>
tag's cboxOptions attribute take effect on the Colorbox. I am using code from the Colorbox website that states this should work. Can anyone point out why it isn't?
I suggest using the HTML5 data attribute to create an attribute to store your desired settings object in JSON format. Example:
<a class="AddNewItem" href="@Url.Action("Create", "Phone", new { masterSID = ViewData["MasterSID"] })" data-cbox='{"transition":"fade", "height":"100%"}'>Add Phone<a>
var settings = $(this).attr('data-cbox');
if (settings) {
settings = $.parseJSON(settings);
$(this).colorbox(settings || {});