
Sending Params Correctly without Interpolation with Splat

Can I directly import these parameters to my function with their correct types with only value with respectively?

$appparams = @{ 
    sname  = "RandomAppName"    # type: string
    sdata  = [byte]12           # type: Byte
    sgroup = $null              # type: NULL

CASE: not sending as respectively + not correct types

$arglist = ($appparams.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Name | % { "$($_.Value)" }) -join ','
Invoke-Function .... $arglist  -> Invoke-Function .... 12,,RandomAppName

Expected: sending only value with respectively and without any interpolation

Invoke-Function .... $arglist  -> Invoke-Function .... "RandomAppName",12,$null


  • It looks like you're trying to pass the values of your hashtable entries as positional arguments to Invoke-Function.

    If you cannot modify the target command and must pass arguments positionally:

    First, as mclayton points out, you need an ordered hashtable ([ordered]) if the definition order of the entries (values) must be maintained (see below for an alternative based on sorting by keys, as you've tried).

    Then you can use array-based splatting to positionally pass your hashtable's values:

    # *Sample function* that simply echoes its positional arguments
    # and their types.
    # This serves as a *stand-in* for *your* function of that name.
    function Invoke-Function { $args | ForEach-Object { $isNull = $null -eq $_; [pscustomobject] @{ Value = if ($isNull) { '$null' } else { $_ }; Type = if (-not $isNull) { $_.GetType() } } } }
    # The ordered hashtable whose values are to be passed as positional arguments.
    $appParams = [ordered] @{ 
        sdata  = [byte]12           # type: Byte
        sgroup = $null              # type: NULL
        sname  = "RandomAppName"    # type: string
    # Get the ordered hashtable's values, as an *array*.
    [array] $appParamValues = $appParams.Values
    # Pass the values as separate, positional arguments.
    Invoke-Function @appParamValues



    Value         Type
    -----         ----
    RandomAppName System.String
    12            System.Byte

    As for what you tried:

    ($appparams.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Name | % { "$($_.Value)" }) -join ','


    This results both in loss of the original data types and loss of separate values, and would be seen by any target command as a single string argument, as described.