I'm using Plasmo to make a browser extension with React and I would like to utilize the MUI library. I am able to get the components to work in the popup script, however, in my content UI scripts, I am unable to get the styling to show up (i.e. I just get a plain HTML button instead of a MUI-styled button).
How can I get the correct styles from the MUI components in my component script?
Here's the outline of what you need to do:
npm i @emotion/cache @emotion/react
import createCache from "@emotion/cache"
import { CacheProvider } from "@emotion/react"
const styleElement = document.createElement("style")
const styleCache = createCache({
key: "plasmo-mui-cache",
prepend: true,
container: styleElement
export const getStyle = () => styleElement;
const MuiThemedContent = () => (
<CacheProvider value={styleCache}>
... mui component
export default MuiThemedContent;