I'm currently building a text based console application to manage printing, scanning, etc but as usuall i have stumped my self and have had to come to stackoverflow for help. Any help is appreciated.
I have imported the os library.
import os
But unsure of a function to scan.
You can check this library called LibInsane to scan from printers using Python. But to install the library you're going to have to build the library from the source.
The latter 2 commands must be run inside the libinsane directory. You can navigate to the example sample projects and run:
python list_device.py
python scan.py outputfilename.png
Modify the .py
file paths and the output image path before running it
import os
# for listing devices
devices = os.system("python list_device.py")
# for listing devices
scanned_doc = os.system("python scan.py outputfilename.png")
file containsdef scan(source, output_file):
session = source.scan_start()
page_nb = 0
while not session.end_of_feed() and page_nb < 20:
# Do not assume that all the pages will have the same size !
scan_params = session.get_scan_parameters()
print("Expected scan parameters: {} ; {}x{} = {} bytes".format(
scan_params.get_width(), scan_params.get_height(),
total = scan_params.get_image_size()
img = []
r = 0
if output_file is not None:
out = output_file.format(page_nb)
out = None
print("Scanning page {} --> {}".format(page_nb, out))
while not session.end_of_page():
data = session.read_bytes(128 * 1024)
data = data.get_data()
r += len(data)
print("Got {} bytes => {}/{} bytes".format(
len(data), r, total)
img = b"".join(img)
print("Got {} bytes".format(len(img)))
if out is not None:
print("Saving page as {} ...".format(out))
if scan_params.get_format() == Libinsane.ImgFormat.RAW_RGB_24:
img = raw_to_img(scan_params, img)
img.save(out, format="PNG")
print("Warning: output format is {}".format(
with open(out, 'wb') as fd:
page_nb += 1
print("Page {} scanned".format(page_nb))
if page_nb == 0:
print("No page in feeder ?")
You can read more from the official documentation here
To print from a specific printer using python, check out this answer here https://stackoverflow.com/a/76981889/13520498