
How do I get files from a second project on an Azure DevOps Agent via tf.exe?

My build pipeline gets sources in the local sources folder via "Get sources". I would like to get some other files from a different project.


I tried:

$collection = "well my collection..."
$tfsProjectTargetPath = "`$/projectB/subdir/branch"
$workspaceName = $env:Build_Repository_Tfvc_Workspace
& $tf vc workfold /map /workspace:$workspaceName $localWorkDir /collection:$collection /noprompt

That runs into "TF14061: The workspace ws_XXX_YYYY;user does not exist.".

I also tried creating a new workspace:

$workspaceName = "some new name"
& $tf vc workspace /new /location:local /permission:Public $workspaceName /collection:$collection /noprompt

That runs into "The path ..\w\220\s\projectA\subidr\branch is already mapped in workspace ws_XXX_YYYY;Build\<guid>".

To me it seems the value of $workspaceName + user is the issue. Somehow the $workspaceName is coupled to a "build:" user. My powershell runs with a different user than the workspace.

Any suggestions or ideas?


  • I found the solution:

    In Powershell, getting files from another project can be achieved with:

    $tf = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($env:AGENT_HOMEDIRECTORY, "externals", "tf", "tf.exe")
    $workspaceName = $env:Build_Repository_Tfvc_Workspace
    $workspaceNameWithUser = $workspaceName + ";Build\" + $env:SYSTEM_COLLECTIONID
    & $tf vc workspace /delete $workspaceNameWithUser

    Now you can create a new workspace and a new mapping, like I mentioned in my question:

    $collection = "well my collection..."
    $tfsProjectTargetPath = "`$/projectB/subdir/branch"
    $workspaceName = "choose a new name"
    & $tf vc workspace /new /location:local /permission:Public $workspaceName /collection:$collection /noprompt $commandLogin
    & $tf vc workfold /unmap /workspace:$workspaceName $/ /collection:$collection /noprompt $commandLogin
    & $tf vc workfold /map /workspace:$workspaceName $tfsProjectTargetPath $localWorkDir /collection:$collection /noprompt
    & $tf vc get /recursive /overwrite $localWorkDir /noprompt