
In EventBridge rule, how do you match only those events emitted by a specific instance of Amazon Connect?

Here is the documentation from Amazon for how to set up an EventBridge rule that sources Contact Events from Amazon Connect and publishes said events to a target destination.

QUESTION: said documentation does not explain how to match events emitted from a specific instance of Amazon Connect. How can that be done?

I am guessing the Event Pattern for the EventBridge rule can be used to select only those events emitted from a specific instance of Amazon Connect. But it would be useful to know whether that is the recommended approach.


  • I am guessing the Event Pattern for the EventBridge rule can be used to select only those events emitted from a specific instance of Amazon Connect.

    The documentation you linked in your question specifically states that there is an InstanceArn attribute in the event that is the: "Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the Amazon Connect instance in which the agent's user account is created."

    So you would create a filter in EventBridge for your specific Amazon Connect instance's ARN.

    But it would be useful to know whether that is the recommended approach.

    Yes of course. That is a standard pattern for filtering events in EventBridge.