I'm trying to use an NPM package called "lambda-warmer". it requires a permission called lambda:InvokeLambda
I tried to add this permission through cdk but I failed to do so.
here is the code I tried to do this with:
here's a function to add a rule:
function addActionPermissionToLambda(
stack: Stack,
lambdaFunction: IFunction,
inlinePolicyName: ResourcesNames,
resources: string[],
actions: string[],
): void {
const addedPolicy = new PolicyStatement({ actions, resources });
// since adding a policy overrides basic actions/permissions. we need to add those. also called "AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole".
const logActions = new PolicyStatement(
actions: [
resources: ["*"]
lambdaFunction.role.attachInlinePolicy(new Policy(stack, buildConstructorId(stack, inlinePolicyName), {
statements: [addedPolicy, logActions],
In order I use this function:
function addInvokeLambdaPermissionToLambda(
stack: Stack,
lambdaFunction: IFunction,
name: ResourcesNames
) {
addActionPermissionToLambda(stack, lambdaFunction, name, ["*"], ["Lambda:InvokeLambda"]);
in the following code:
...const { lambdaFunction, version } = createLambda(
addInvokeLambdaPermissionToLambda(stack, lambdaFunction, ResourcesNames.ContentManagerInvokeLambda);
I actually see on my lambda->permissions tab that it has the action Lambda:InvokeLambda
with all resources as the resources of it.
when it is getting called, I get this error:
2023-09-13T14:26:03.839Z 5693bfff-5875-450c-a46f-fd2b079cb0ae ERROR Invoke Error
"errorType": "AccessDeniedException",
"errorMessage": "User: arn:aws:sts::625618361194:assumed-role/GsharimBackendStack-featu-GsharimBackendStackfeatu-1E62H8T2TSCXO/9604bdfbe04cbac6fb2dc6c98c9fdfde is not authorized to perform: lambda:InvokeFunction on resource: arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:625618361194:function:9604bdfbe04cbac6fb2dc6c98c9fdfde because no identity-based policy allows the lambda:InvokeFunction action",
"name": "AccessDeniedException",
"$fault": "client",
"$metadata": {
"httpStatusCode": 403,
"requestId": "b08af667-4a78-44e2-b545-4bf8e23c31d4",
"attempts": 1,
"totalRetryDelay": 0
why does this happen? it looks like it has the right action permission, but it still fails saying it does not.
As you can see from the error message, the correct action is lambda:InvokeFunction
, not Lambda:InvokeLambda
Your approach is pretty brittle, though - consider using Function.grantInvoke
instead, calling it on the functions you need to grant access to.