I'm looking for Codec2 impl for Android. Found THIS library, looks promising
I've tried to implement encode-decode logic like below, but I'm getting very distorted, hardly understandable audio output. When I try to use built-in decoder then output is unrecognizable at all (but works with sample file from assets). What I'm missing?
companion object {
public const val codec2mode = Codec2.CODEC2_MODE_3200
private const val sampleRate = 8000 // enough
private const val audioFormat = AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT
private const val monoStereoIn = AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_MONO
private const val monoStereoOut = AudioFormat.CHANNEL_OUT_MONO
private val minBufSize = AudioRecord.getMinBufferSize(sampleRate, monoStereoIn, audioFormat)
private val c2instance = Codec2.create(codec2mode)
private val bits = Codec2.getBitsSize(c2instance) // bytes?
private val samples = Codec2.getSamplesPerFrame(c2instance)
fun recordData(): CharArray {
Timber.i("recordData bits:$bits, samples:$samples, minBufSize:$minBufSize")
val recorder = getRecorder()
val recorderBuffer = ShortArray(samples.coerceAtLeast(minBufSize))
val framesNum = recorderBuffer.size / samples
Timber.i("startRecording recorderBuffer size:${recorderBuffer.size} framesNum:$framesNum")
val start = System.currentTimeMillis()
val encodedBuffer = CharArray(bits)
var encodedBufferSum = CharArray(0)
var it = 50
while (it > 0) {
recorder.read(recorderBuffer, 0, recorderBuffer.size)
for (i in 0 until framesNum) {
Codec2.encode(c2instance, recorderBuffer, encodedBuffer)
encodedBufferSum += encodedBuffer
"encode finished in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) +
"ms, data length:${encodedBufferSum.size}",
return encodedBufferSum
fun playData(encodedBuffer: CharArray) {
Timber.i("playData bits:$bits, samples:$samples, minBufSize:$minBufSize")
val start = System.currentTimeMillis()
val audioTrack = getAudioTrack().apply { play() }
var workingCopy = encodedBuffer.clone()
var it = 0
while (workingCopy.isNotEmpty()) {
val frame = workingCopy.slice(0 until bits).toCharArray()
var codec2Buffer = ByteArray(0)
frame.forEach { codec2Buffer += it.code.toByte() }
val playbackAudioBuffer = ShortArray(samples)
Codec2.decode(c2instance, playbackAudioBuffer, codec2Buffer)
audioTrack.write(playbackAudioBuffer, 0, playbackAudioBuffer.size)
workingCopy = workingCopy.slice(bits until workingCopy.size).toCharArray()
"decode and play finished in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) +
"ms, iterations:$it",
output log:
recordData bits:8, samples:160, minBufSize:640
startRecording recorderBuffer size:640 framesNum:4
encode finished in 4138ms, data length:1600
playData bits:8, samples:160, minBufSize:640
decode and play finished in 3999ms, iterations:200
btw. I've found THIS project implementing above lib, probably works, but I don't have devices to try out... and HERE we have already built AARs (personally using 0.8-SNAPSHOT64-2
answer current for version 1.2.0
bug is burried on JNI side in encode
method, in there happens some unnecessary dividing/downsampling. instead of
short v = (short) jbuf[i * 2];
should be
short v = (short) jbuf[i];
for current version there is a simple workaround - just add some extra dummy bytes (every second/even position), which are going to be ommited by buggy for
val frameBuffer: ShortArray = ... e.g. from AudioRecorder
var bugAround = ShortArray(0)
frameBuffer.forEach {
bugAround += it // one short single sample
bugAround += 0x00
// bugAround now have 2x size as frameBuffer
Codec2.encode(c2instance, bugAround/*frameBuffer */, encodedBuffer)
more desription and workaround in issue on github