
Best way migrate from vaadin 7 to vaadin 24

The essence of the question is in the name.

I have a big legacy project on vaadin 7.7.15. There is a need to switch to the modern version of vaadin 24.

Are there any best practices besides rewriting from scratch? While I'm trying to upgrade to version 8 of the software https://vaadin.com/docs/v8/framework/migration/migrating-to-vaadin8 to go from there to 24, but the further away, the more this idea seems to fail.


  • there is no such "best way" for all vaadin users ;)

    We did such a big bang migration from a vaadin 8 application (With vaadin7 compatibility classes active) to vaadin 23 in the first half of 2022.

    Our lessons learned where:

    Currently we are sheduling the upgrade to v24, which should not be that big an issue, but since it requires tomcat 10 and the jakarta imports instead of many javax imports, it will also require many udates to the imports and perhaps a few more changes

    When we where going live with the v23 system, we had the v7/v8 system still running and using the same DB for 3-4 months.

    So the users could use the new system, and if something did not work as expected, still do that part of the work in the old system.

    I hope this helps you on your road with vaadin.

    PS: Of course there is the MPR offer from Vaadin, where you can use existing v7/v8 parts in a v23 application, but for us this was