I am designing the activity model for a website, and I have a question about whether I have an activity that represents displaying a page on the website. This page contains several buttons, and each button represents an activity. How can I represent it? Can I, from the 'display page' activity, generate multiple arrows, each leading to a different activity? Is this correct or not?
While you actually have at least four different use cases, e.g. "Recruiter Views Candidates", "Recruiter View Job", "Recruiter Updates Job", and "Recruiter Deletes Job", I think that activity diagrams do show these four cases adequately, based on what little I know about what you're trying to do. If an activity diagram is what you want, I would be inclined to use something like PlantUML and show your diagram as follows:
:Browse Posted Jobs Page;
switch (Recruiter Decision?)
case ( View Candidates )
:Show Candidate Page;
case ( View Job )
:Show Job Page;
case ( Update Job )
:Show Update Jobs Page;
case ( Delete Job )
:Show Job Deletion Page;
That code produces this image.
For reference, this online PlantUML IDE snippet.
For example of the generated output, see this output.