
Can Xero assets be modified using the Xero-Python API?

Hello Stack Overflow community,

I'm currently engaged in a project that involves updating Xero assets through the python-xero API. Despite my testing efforts, I have been unable to achieve this successfully. It appears that updating a draft asset should be possible based on my understanding.

def xero_create_asset(viper_asset): asset_api = AssetApi(api_client) xero_tenant_id = get_xero_tenant_id()

serial_number = 'serial_number'
xero_id = 'xero_id'
asset_name = 'Test'

asset = Asset(asset_id=xero_id,
              asset_number = viper_asset['asset_id'],
              serial_number = serial_number)

# api_response = asset_api.create_asset(xero_tenant_id, asset)
api_akt = asset_api.create_asset
return api_response

Xero API history


  • You need to include the status field otherwise you will get the 403 forbidden error. You also need to include the asset number to avoid an error 400.