
how to print to command line in android

I am just trying to do some basic debugging by printing off values to the command line but when I try to nothing comes up.

I have tried using both Log.d("test", "test") and println("test") neither show up when I filter Logcat with test or tag:test I found this and this question but they didn't help.

Here is a screenshot:

enter image description here

Its probably just some little thing but I completely lost.


  • In your Android Studio you can see a small Funnel for the Filter.

    Funnel and Tag Filter

    If you start typing package:mine it will only show the Log Outputs created by your Application. If you then add another parameter with a space for example tag:test you exclude all Log Messages without your test Tag. In your Image you just typed test which has to be tag:test then you are able to see that.