
Are Primary Keys Recommended on a Timescale Hypertable?

I am about to receive timeseries data for some devices placed remotely and have decided to use Timescale hypertables to store the data.

The data consists of:

None of the fields can be expected to be unique (The same device could make two measurements at the same time). The queries would normally be filtered by device_id + timestamp.

In a traditional relational database I would never create a table without a primary key, but in the documentation Creating your first hypertable they do not create a primary key. Would there be any benefit/drawback in adding an id column backed by a Postgres sequence?

I have searched the documentation, but could not find any specific discussion on hypertables and primary keys.


  • If you have no requirement to find or operate on individual readings (which it sounds like you don’t) then adding a serial PK for the sake of it is just a waste of space.

    The non primary key index you have should be influenced by your query patterns - by default you’ll get timestamp DESC but you’ll probably want to add device_id to that.