While learning Forth I have the following issue, concerning files I/O handling.
I am reading this tutorial https://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/forth/gforth/Docs-html/Files-Tutorial.html and trying to make sense of it. I have been able to deal with almost all of it (including copy-file), but I have a problem with the scan-file word.
I have the following foo.in input file:
$ cat foo.in
Hello world ...
Today is a beautiful day of November.
It is the 8th of November.
The text I search is here.
Actions speak louder than words.
I have this code (which runs with no problem) :
0 Value fd-in
256 Constant max-line
Create line-buffer max-line 2 + allot
: open-input ( addr u -- ) r/o open-file throw to fd-in ;
: scan-file ( addr u -- )
line-buffer max-line fd-in read-line throw
>r 2dup line-buffer r> compare 0=
2drop ;
s" foo.in" open-input
Then I try this, expecting some results (of some kind):
s" The text I search is here" scan-file
I get the following:
s" The text I search is here" scan-file ok
.s <0> ok
Even if I change the string "The text I search is here" to some other arbitrary content; I see no difference in the result.
Can someone tell me what is supposed to happen and where I need to look.
At this point: scan-file seems to do nothing.
It's a problem in your tutorial. Also, the code does not contain anything specific to Gforth.
I would suggest the following variant for learning purposes:
0 value fd-in
256 constant max-line
max-line 2 + chars buffer: line-buffer
: open ( addr u -- ) r/o open-file throw to fd-in ;
: close ( -- ) fd-in if fd-in close-file throw 0 to fd-in then ;
: rewind ( -- ) 0 0 fd-in reposition-file throw ;
: scan ( addr u -- flag )
rewind begin
line-buffer max-line fd-in read-line throw
line-buffer swap 2over search nip nip
nip nip
s" foo.in" open
s" November" scan .
s" December" scan .