I am now making a MMO game using Unity.
Also I am using the LiteDB to store users data.
UserModel looks like this.
Everything is working correctly except for the mUserOwnerClientId. The variable type is ulong and I tried to store ulong.MaxValue. But the stored value was -1 and when I tried to read from database, there was an error because ulong could not be less than zero.
So I have a question here.
Does LiteDB support ulong storing?
LiteDB supports long by default, not ulong (unsigned).
But you can tell it how to handle the serialization and deserialization of a type it doesn't know with BsonMapper before using your database:
unsignedLong => new BsonValue(unsignedLong.ToInt64WithSameBits()),
bson => bson.AsInt64.ToUInt64WithSameBits()
/// <summary>
/// Extra methods for <see cref="ulong"/> type.
/// </summary>
public static class UInt64ExtensionMethods
/// <summary>
/// Takes the bits of the provided <see cref="ulong"/> value and returns them as a <see cref="long"/>, which might be a completely different number.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13056230/copy-bits-from-ulong-to-long-in-c-sharp .
/// </remarks>
public static long ToInt64WithSameBits(this ulong value)
return unchecked((long) value);
Then when you want to use queries you can use the BsonMapper again:
ulong playerID = 1234;
var query = Query.EQ(nameof(PlayerDocument.PlayerID), BsonMapper.Global.Serialize(playerID));