i wanted to add 3 category under /pages folder, each should have paginated data and i also prepared 3 folder in src/content so i can choose category pages from navbar and see paginated results then i click posts and see content.
user will navigate category->paginated category specific posts ->find content
My folder structure like this:
under pages/ folder structure something like this all has own [...page].astro file :
export async function getStaticPaths({paginate}){
const posts = await getCollection("officer")
return paginate(posts,{
pageSize: 1,
const {page} =Astro.props;
[...slug].astro structure something like this:
export async function getStaticPaths(){
//i want to get all content directory something like below
//const posts = await getCollection('../content/**/*.mdx');
const posts = await getCollection('engineer');
return posts.map((entry) => ({
params: { slug: entry.slug},
props: {entry},
type Props = {
entry: CollectionEntry<"engineer">;
const {entry} = Astro.props;
When i try to see category pages all works but only i able to get engineer collection because it gets one name and its engineer how to add "eto" and "officer" also?
There’s no built-in utility to get all collections, so you need to do this manually:
import { getCollection } from 'astro:content';
export async function getStaticPaths() {
const engineerPosts = await getCollection('engineer');
const etoPosts = await getCollection('eto');
const officerPosts = await getCollection('officer');
const posts = [...engineerPosts, ...etoPosts, ...officerPosts];
return posts.map((entry) => ({
params: { slug: entry.slug },
props: { entry },
interface Props {
entry: CollectionEntry<"engineer" | "eto" | "officer">;