I've got this code:
void BlinnPhong(
inout float3 outputColor,
PixelMaterial material,
float3 lightColor,
float3 lightDir,
float3 viewDirection,
float attenuation)
const float diffuseFactor = dotMax(material.normal, lightDir);
outputColor += lightColor * diffuseFactor * material.baseColor * attenuation;
const float3 halfwayDirection = normalize(lightDir + viewDirection);
float specularFactor = pow(dotMax(material.normal, halfwayDirection), material.roughness);
if (diffuseFactor == 0.0f)
specularFactor = 0.0f;
outputColor += lightColor * specularFactor * material.metalness * attenuation;
void EvaluateSpotLights(inout float3 outputColor, PixelMaterial material, float3 pos, float3 viewDirection)
for (uint i = 0; i < spotLights.Length; ++i) {
SpotLight light = spotLights[i];
const float3 posToLight = light.position - pos;
const float3 lightDir = normalize(posToLight);
//light.direction is already normalized
const float theta = dotMax(lightDir, light.direction);
const float epsilon = (light.innerOuterCutOff.x - light.innerOuterCutOff.y);
const float intensity = saturate((theta - light.innerOuterCutOff.x) / epsilon);
const float distance = length(posToLight);
const float attenuation = (1.0f / (light.constnatLinearQuadratic.x +
light.constnatLinearQuadratic.y * distance +
light.constnatLinearQuadratic.z * (distance * distance))) * intensity;
BlinnPhong(outputColor, material, light.color, lightDir, viewDirection, attenuation);
I'd like to apply a mask texture to this spot light.
I've got 2 different masks for testing purposes:
I've added float mask
to BlinnPhong
function and multiplied by it right after attenuation
void BlinnPhong(
inout float3 outputColor,
PixelMaterial material,
float3 lightColor,
float3 lightDir,
float3 viewDirection,
float attenuation,
float mask)
const float diffuseFactor = dotMax(material.normal, lightDir);
outputColor += lightColor * diffuseFactor * material.baseColor * attenuation * mask;
const float3 halfwayDirection = normalize(lightDir + viewDirection);
float specularFactor = pow(dotMax(material.normal, halfwayDirection), material.roughness);
if (diffuseFactor == 0.0f)
specularFactor = 0.0f;
outputColor += lightColor * specularFactor * material.metalness * attenuation * mask;
the question is: what UV should I use to get the proper result?
I've tried using the mesh vertex uv:
//pixel shader
float mask = t_spotlightMask.Sample(g_pointWrap, input.mesh_uv).r;
but the result is the same as on the picture above.
I've also tried converting lightDir
into uv
float theta = acos(lightDir.y);
float phi = atan2(lightDir.z, lightDir.x);
float u = phi / (2 * PI) + 0.5;
float v = theta / PI;
but still, the mask is not applied correctly.
After trying several different approaches I've managed to achieved something like this:
but as you can see something's still off... (marked red)
float maskSize = 512;
float2 scale = 1.0f / float2(maskSize * 0.5f, maskSize * 0.5f);
float2 offset = float2(0.0f, 0.5f);
float2 uv = clipPosition.xy * scale + offset;
float mask = t_spotlightMask.Sample(g_pointWrap, uv).r;
I've looked into Unity's spot light cookie shader code and found out that I have to calculate worldToLightPerspective
const glm::mat4& transform = getLightTransform();
const glm::mat4 lightView = glm::inverse(transform);
const glm::mat4 lightProj = glm::perspective(glm::radians(outerCutoff), 1.0f, 0.1f, 100.0f);
const glm::mat4 worldToLightPerspective = lightProj * lightView;
float2 ComputeLightCookieUVSpot(float4x4 worldToLightPerspective, float3 samplePositionWS)
// Translate, rotate and project 'positionWS' into the light clip space.
float4 positionCS = mul(worldToLightPerspective, float4(samplePositionWS, 1));
float2 positionNDC = positionCS.xy / positionCS.w;
// Remap NDC to the texture coordinates, from NDC [-1, 1]^2 to [0, 1]^2.
return saturate(positionNDC * 0.5 + 0.5);
float2 maskUV = ComputeLightCookieUVSpot(light.worldToLightPerspective, worldPosition.xyz);
float mask = t_spotlightMask.Sample(g_pointWrap, maskUV).r;
Works great now