
ExcelJS - Read Multiple worksheets in the same Excel

I have 1 excel contains multiple sheets like below screenshot:

enter image description here

I am trying to read excel file using ExcelJS module.

const Excel = require("exceljs");

const workbook = new Excel.Workbook();

const filePath = `./test/CustomerData.xlsx`

    .then(function() {
    let worksheet = workbook.getWorksheet(0);
    console.log("Sheet name---", worksheet);            

It gives output as Sheet name--- undefined I want sheet names like:

Sheet name---CustomerData1
Sheet name---CustomerData2


  • getWorksheet uses an ID rather than an index. In the example below, I observed the ID field starting from 1. From the docs (, the ID isn't guaranteed to start at 1, so you may want to loop through it like below:

    const Excel = require("exceljs");
    const workbook = new Excel.Workbook();
    const filePath = `./test/CustomerData.xlsx`
    workbook.xlsx.readFile(filePath).then(() => {
      console.log("Sheet name---", workbook.getWorksheet(1).name)
      console.log("Sheet name---", workbook.getWorksheet(2).name)
      workbook.worksheets.forEach((sheet, i) => {
        console.log("Array index:", i)
        console.log("exceljs id:",
        console.log("Sheet name---",

    My example produced the following:

    Sheet name--- CustomerData1
    Sheet name--- CustomerData2
    Array index: 0
    exceljs id: 1
    Sheet name--- CustomerData1
    Array index: 1
    exceljs id: 2
    Sheet name--- CustomerData2