
How do I add the values of two integer columns in Informix?

I would like to add two integer columns in a table with the database Informix (IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 14.10) , let's call these table articles. The first column is price and the second column is tax. From this I would like to calculate the total price for an article.

The table for articles looks like this:

id name price tax
1 apple 50 6
2 banana 20 3
3 ... ... ...

How would the SQL statement in Informix look like for this?

How is this expression called in Informix?


  • In Informix, you can add the values of two integer columns in a table using a SELECT statement. Here's an example query that demonstrates how to do this:

    SELECT column1 + column2 AS sum_result
    FROM your_table;

    Replace your_table with the actual name of your table, and column1 and column2 with the names of the integer columns you want to add. The result will be a new column named sum_result containing the sum of the values from column1 and column2.

    Here's a breakdown of the SQL statement: