I have a abstract base class having operator()(), operator and virtual operator()(...) methods. In derived class i am overriding the virtual method but i cannot call the opearator()() method. And i have no idea why?
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using Date = size_t;
using Period = size_t;
// abstract series
template <class T>
class SeriesBase {
T operator()() const {
return operator()(0);
T operator[](const Period period) const {
return operator()(period);
virtual T operator()(const Period period) const = 0;
template <class T>
class Series : public SeriesBase<T> {
// concrete series
class DateSeries : public Series<Date> {
Date operator()(const Period period) const override {
return 20231212; // or return something from vector
std::vector<Date> values;
int main() {
DateSeries dateSeries;
dateSeries(); // not working ???
dateSeries[1]; // working
dateSeries(1); // working
It gets shadowed by the derived class operator()
even if it has different arguments (and different const[&][&&]
Even with many years of experience I get tripped by this.
You need to do this:
// concrete series
class DateSeries : public Series<Date> {
using Series<Date>::operator();
Date operator()(const Period period) const override {
return 20231212; // or return something from vector
std::vector<Date> values;
Interestingly you don't need/have to put the argument types of the base class.
Note that this has nothing to do with the classes being templated or the virtual keyword. (https://godbolt.org/z/PzofaYv3s)