
How can I take the portrait screenshots required by Google Play for an Android Automotive OS app?

Per the Play Developer Console section on the store listing page you must, "Upload up to 8 Android Automotive OS screenshots. You must upload at least 2 portrait and 2 landscape screenshots. Screenshots must be PNG or JPEG, up to 8 MB each, 800 px by 1,280 px for portrait, and 1,024 px by 768 px for landscape" as part setting up the Android Automotive OS form factor.

Additionally, the developer guide states "Note: When taking Automotive OS screenshots for your store listing, make sure to use a generic system image. Your screenshots should not reference any Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) in particular."

As such, I've been able to take the landscape screenshots using the Automotive (1024p landscape) hardware profile available in Android Studio after downloading one of the generic emulator images. However, there isn't a suitable portrait hardware profile available and trying to create one using the New Hardware Profile button in the Virtual Device Configuration window doesn't seem to work.


  • Update

    Starting with the most recent Android Studio Canary release (Jellyfish | 2023.3.1 Canary 9), there is a hardware profile named **Automotive Portrait** bundled in Android Studio that is the right resolution for Play Store screenshots.

    enter image description here


    It looks custom hardware profiles work with the new API 33 emulator image since it doesn't include the Play Store and thus doesn't need to use a skin that's been certified for the Play Store (like the 1024p landscape skin).

    To take portrait screenshots using this version of the emulator, I created the following hardware profile:

    Configure hardware profile screen in Android Studio. Device name is "Automotive (1280p portrait)", Device Type is "Android Automotive", Screen Size is "8" inch, Resolution is "800" x "1280", Supported device states is only "Portrait", no cameras are enabled, proximity sensor is disabled

    Then I created a virtual device using that hardware profile and the API 33 Android Automotive with Google APIs system image.

    Sample screenshot:

    1280p screenshot

    Since the climate controls were overlapping, I used adb shell wm size 1200x1920 (1.5x the resolution) to change the resolution of the emulator (but the screenshots still are taken at 1280p)

    enter image description here