
How to create Elliptic curve key in the Vault using Python SDK

I'm following this tutorial on how to generate elliptic curve keys in Python azure.keyvault.keys package — Azure SDK for Python 2.0.0 documentation (

This is the current python code that I have executed:

from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential
from azure.keyvault.keys import KeyClient

credential = DefaultAzureCredential()

key_client = KeyClient(vault_url="", credential=credential)

# Create an elliptic curve key
ec_key = key_client.create_ec_key("test-ec-key", curve="P-256")

But I'm having some trouble with code as it's keep failing with same error message:

azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError: (Forbidden) Caller is not authorized to perform action on resource.

If role assignments, deny assignments or role definitions were changed recently, please observe propagation time.

Caller: appid=d5f43625-e0e3-4e27-a63d-477f9e91cb5c;oid=890cda89-b200-41a9-8453-454cd42698eb;iss=

Action: 'Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/keys/create/action'

Resource: '/subscriptions/db002e19-6b8e-4b1b-a70d-a430eb7b5acf/resourcegroups/test_rg/providers/microsoft.keyvault/vaults/mykv/keys/test-ec-key'

Assignment: (not found)

DenyAssignmentId: null

DecisionReason: 'DeniedWithNoValidRBAC'

Vault: mykv;location=eastus

Inner error: { "code": "ForbiddenByRbac" }

Do you have any idea what's wrong? I've tried to fix it but nothing seems to work. Maybe you can take a look and help me out? Thanks!


  • To create keys, you need to have at least "Key Vault Crypto Officer" role under the key vault while using RBAC as authentication type.

    Initially, I ran your code without assigning required role and got same error like this:

    enter image description here

    To resolve the error, you need to assign at least "Key Vault Crypto Officer" role to user or service principal under the key vault:

    enter image description here

    When I ran the same code again now, I got the response successfully like this:

    from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential
    from azure.keyvault.keys import KeyClient
    credential = DefaultAzureCredential()
    key_client = KeyClient(vault_url="", credential=credential)
    # Create an elliptic curve key
    ec_key = key_client.create_ec_key("test-ec-key", curve="P-256")


    enter image description here

    To confirm that, I checked the same in Portal where key created successfully as below:

    enter image description here