
Set timestamp on nested document but not on parent document in Mongoose

I have a Mongoose schema where I'm using the timestamps option to automatically add createdAt and updatedAt fields to documents. However, I want to apply timestamps only to the subdocuments, not to the main document.

Here's an example of my schema:

const feedSchema = new mongoose.Schema(
    userId: {
      type: String,
      required: true,
    feed: [
      new mongoose.Schema(
          // ... (subdocument fields)
        { _id: false, timestamps: true } }
    _id: false,
    timestamps: false,
    versionKey: false,

The issue is that even though I've set timestamps: true only for the subdocument schema, Mongoose is still adding timestamps to the main document, even though I disabled them.

Is there a way to configure Mongoose to apply timestamps only to the subdocuments within the feed array and not to the main document?


  • The best way around this is - don't use Model.create() to create your documents and instead use new Model() combined with That will allow you to pass in the {timestamps: false} option when you call save(). Here is an example:

    const feedSchema = new mongoose.Schema(
        userId: {
          type: String,
          required: true,
        feed: [
          new mongoose.Schema(
              // ... (subdocument fields)
            { _id: false, timestamps: true } }
        // _id: false, //< delete this
        timestamps: false,
        versionKey: false,
    const Feed = mongoose.model('Feed', feedSchema);
    const newFeed = {
       userId: '123',
       feed: [
             a: 'abc',
             b: 'xyz'
    const doc = new Feed(newFeed);
    await{ timestamps: false });

    This will add the timestamps to the subdocuments but not on the parent document.

    Note: you will need to delete the _id : false on the parent schema as mongoose documents require an _id before saving.