
Testing related fields in filament and livewire

I'm trying to test a form that when I select a brand it should prefill the related suppliers in the next select. In my form I user the ->live() method to make the fields dependent on each other. In my test i have:

$brand = Brand::factory()->create();
$suppliers = Supplier::factory()

        'brand_id' => $brand->id,
    ->assertFormSet(['supplier_id' => $suppliers->pluck('id')->toArray()]);

However this doesn't work, I get the error:

Failed asserting that null matches expected 1.

  at vendor/livewire/livewire/src/Features/SupportTesting/MakesAssertions.php:93
     90▕         if (! is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) {
     91▕             PHPUnit::assertTrue($value($actual));
     92▕         } else {
  ➜  93▕             $strict ? PHPUnit::assertSame($value, $actual) : PHPUnit::assertEquals($value, $actual);
     94▕         }
     96▕         return $this;
     97▕     }

I have tried to log what the value is of the suppliers. And I have confirmed that the options are empty. How Can I solve this, or where can I read about testing these dependent fields. Thanks.


  • You didn t show the form but it must be similar to the one below (the example form below is the one shown here:

    class CreateOrder extends Component implements HasForms
    use InteractsWithForms;
    public $brandId;
    public $supplierId;
    public function getFormSchema(): array
      return [
        ->options(function(callable $get){
            $brand = Brand::find($get('brandId'));
              return Supplier::all()->pluck('title','id');
            return $brand->suppliers->pluck('title','id');
    public function render():View
        return view('livewire.createorder');

    The form has 2 dependant selects, the second one lists all suppliers in the database if no brand is chosen in the first select, but if a brand is chosen it re-renders to list only the suppliers that belongs to the chosen brand.

    Below is the test:

    it('has dependant fields with logic ok', function () {
    $brand = Brand::factory()->create();
    $brand2 = Brand::factory()->create();
    $suppliersVisible = Supplier::factory()
        ->count(2)->create(['user_id' => $brand->id, 'title'=>fake()->sentence()]);
    $suppliersHidden = Supplier::factory()
        ->count(2)->create(['user_id' => $brand2->id,'title'=>fake()->sentence()]);
            'brandId' => $brand->id,

    The test populate the db with 2 brands and each brand has 2 suppliers.

    The test passes if only the suppliers for the selected brand are shown after the re-render.

    The assertFormSet method is to test state of the form, but in this case there is no state, we have to test what the page shows.