
Comparing RK4 to Euler method

I took a course in computational physics and I was given in an assigment to solve the equation of simple harmonic oscillator x_dot_dot = -x . I wrtoe the script in Julia for both methods

function RK4(x0 , F, T , dt) 

F1(f) = x -> f(x...)
F2(f) = x -> f((x .+ 0.5*dt*F1(f)(x))...)
F3(f) = x -> f((x .+ 0.5*dt*F2(f)(x))...)
F4(f) = x -> f((x .+ dt*F3(f)(x))...)

t = 0:dt:T
x = zeros(length(t), length(x0))
x[1,:] = x0
for n in 1:length(t) - 1
    act(F)  = map(f -> f(x[n,:]) , F)'
    x[n+1,:]= x[n,:] .+ (dt/6)*(act(F1.(F)) .+ 2*act(F2.(F)) + 2*act(F3.(F)) + act(F4.(F)))
return (x,t)

function euler(x0 , F, T , dt) 

F1(f) = x -> f(x...)

t = 0:dt:T
x = zeros(length(t), length(x0))
x[1,:] = x0
for n in 1:length(t)-1
    act(F)  = map(f -> f(x[n,:]) , F)'
    x[n+1,:]= x[n,:] .+ dt.* act(F1.(F))
return (x,t)

the code works and it solves the ODE for both methods by when i plot the solutions it seems that the RK4 isn't compensating the Euler method when trying them both with equal time steps. When i try to use with RK4 with say half time step than Euler, Euler always shows more accurte results and when i try to use a timestep of say dt = 0.01 for both methods the plots look almost identically the same.

The rest of the code :

using Plots
using LaTeXStrings

x0 = [1,0]
f1(x,v)= v
f2(x,v) = -x

plt = plot(xlabel = L"t")

xe , t = euler(x0 , [f1 f2] , 10*2π , 0.0005)
plot!(t, xe[:,1] , label = "Euler")
xr , t = RK4(x0 , [f1 f2] , 10*2π , 0.0005)
plot!(t, xr[:,1] , label = "RK4")

# Analytical solution
#plot!(t, cos.(t))




  • The reason RK4 is less accurate is because of a bug. The implementation in the question is really obfuscated. And even non-indented. There is definitely better and more efficient ways to implement this and there are certainly packages in Julia which do so.

    A fixed RK4 can be:

    function RK4(x0 , F, T , dt) 
        F1(f) = x -> f(x...)
        F2(f) = x -> f((x .+ 0.5*dt*[F1(g)(x) for g in F]')...)
        F3(f) = x -> f((x .+ 0.5*dt*[F2(g)(x) for g in F]')...)
        F4(f) = x -> f((x .+ dt*[F3(g)(x) for g in F]')...)
        t = 0:dt:T
        x = zeros(length(t), length(x0))
        x[1,:] = x0
        for n in 1:length(t) - 1
            act(F)  = map(f -> f(x[n,:]) , F)'
            x[n+1,:]= x[n,:] .+ (dt/6)*(act(F1.(F)) .+ 2*act(F2.(F)) + 2*act(F3.(F)) + act(F4.(F)))
        return (x,t)

    Note the definitions of F2, F3, F4 have changed. The original definition worked because the following broadcasting

    julia> [1.2 1.2] .+ 0.5
    1×2 Matrix{Float64}:
     1.7  1.7

    worked on the F1(f)(x) output erroneously.