I got this example of a 1D Haar wavelet transform from a book.
"The Haar wavelet transform of [11, 9, 5, 7] is given by [8, 2, 1, −1]."
When I calculate the same data with python PyWavelets (pywt) library I get different coefficients.
Is pywt normalizing the coefficients? Is there a documentation on the normalization process?
Here is my code:
import pywt
x = [11,9,5,7]
cA, cD = pywt.dwt(x, 'haar')
y = pywt.idwt(cA, cD, 'haar')
and the result is:
[14.14213562 8.48528137]
[ 1.41421356 -1.41421356]
[11. 9. 5. 7.]
Thanks for any help!
@DaBler had the answer. Calculating the values as indicated here I get the same result on resolution 2 as with pywt.