We are using pac4j in a javaEE application running on a wildfly server. We use pac4j with pac4j-buji to get user ids through OIDC and bridge them into the shiro subject. Our problem is that we throw a custom exception when the user lacks some application specific permission to view something. We show a custom error page if such an exception is thrown by defining the following in the web.xml
Without pac4j the PermissionDeniedException
will be wrapped in a jakarta.servlet.ServletException
and the correct page access.xhtml
is shown to the user.
With pac4j the ServletException
is wrapped again in a java.lang.RuntimeException
by the org.pac4j.core.engine.AbstractExceptionAwareLogic#handleException(Exception e, HttpActionAdapter httpActionAdapter, WebContext context)
method. This causes the web.xml
to not recognize it as a my.app.PermissionDeniedException
and therefore does not show the correct error page.
The documentation illustrates a way to fully implement my own SecurityFilter
(https://www.pac4j.org/3.7.x/docs/how-to-implement-pac4j-for-a-new-framework.html) which would certanly work but I wanted to ask if there is a simpler way to modify the default exception handling?
I have searched here on stackoverflow and the old google groups for some similar problem but as far as I am aware this question wasnt asked before
It depends on the version of pac4j you use, but yes, you should be able to override the handleException
method in a custom SecurityLogic
, CallbackLogic
and LogoutLogic
and define these new ones at the Config
level or at the filter level.