
How to force override Component->File with WiX during installation?

I am trying to overwrite a config.properties file with my WiX setup. I use systemtools:TemplateFile to replace placeholders in a template file. But the setup fails to update it since it has been changed.

I tried several things like adding RemoveFile before the systemtools:TemplateFile but it failed. I am not sure if there is any good solution to this problem.

Currently we use it like this:

<Directory Id="CONFIGS" Name="Configurations">
  <Component Id="APP_CONF_FILE" Win64="no" Guid="UNIQUEUUID">
    <File Id="rms.properties" Name="config.properties" Source="data\config.properties" />
    <systemtools:TemplateFile Id="component.properties" 
      <systemtools:TemplateFileProperty Id="version_property" Name="version" Value="$(var.Version)" />

The MSI log shows this:

MSI (s) (0C:6C) [15:22:20:922]: File: C:\Program Files (x86)\COMPANY\PRODUCT\conf\config.properties; Won't Overwrite; Won't patch; Existing file is unversioned but modified

Is there any way to force replace it or remove it before? It should always be overwritten during an installation.


  • If you're asking during patching, check the REINSTALLMODE property. By default, Its value is "omus".If you want to replace files forcely, use "amus".