
Difference of pre computed tables in SurrealDB and SQL-Views when deleting an element?

According to the SurrealDB-Documentation, pre computed tables in SurrealDB are similar to views in relational databases. But they seem to act a bit differently, when elements are deleted.

Basically, pre computed tables seem to be a short cut for a SELECT statement (as SQL views could also be seen as). But I do not understand, how deleted items are treated differently by pre computed tables. Could you give me a hint, please?

I did the following in the "sandbox" in [](

  1. Define simple item table with category and amount field:
DEFINE FIELD category ON TABLE item TYPE string;
DEFINE FIELD amount ON TABLE item TYPE number;
  1. I created a pre computed table categories with a GROUP BY-clause and some window functions.
DEFINE TABLE categories AS 
   SELECT category, 
          math::sum(amount) AS sum, 
          count() as count, 
          math::max(amount) as max
   FROM item 
   GROUP BY category;
  1. I added two items of category "green" and one (item:C) of category "blue".
CREATE item:A SET category="green", amount=2;
CREATE item:B SET category="green", amount=3;
CREATE item:C SET category="blue", amount=4;
  1. I deleted item:C. Thus, no items of category "blue" are left.
DELETE item:C;
  1. A simple select of TABLE item shows the removal of item:C (and of the category "blue"):

I get:

        "amount": 2,
        "category": "green",
        "id": "item:A"
        "amount": 3,
        "category": "green",
        "id": "item:B"
  1. But when I do a SELECT on pre computed TABLE categories, the category "blue" still exists (contrary to my expectation). It has - as expected - no rows (count) and a sum of 0. But - again contrary to my expectations - the "blue" category has a max-value:
SELECT * FROM categories;

I get:

        "category": "blue",
        "count": 0,
        "id": "categories:['blue']",
        "max": 4,
        "sum": 0
        "category": "green",
        "count": 2,
        "id": "categories:['green']",
        "max": 3,
        "sum": 5
  1. What I had expected, can be reproduced by the SELECT statement itself which serves as base for the definition of the precomputed table:
SELECT category, 
          math::sum(amount) AS sum, 
          count() as count, 
          math::max(amount) as max
   FROM item 
   GROUP BY category;

I get simply the "green" category:

        "category": "green",
        "count": 2,
        "max": 3,
        "sum": 5

In the end, what does the documentation want to say with the "similarity" between pre computed SurrealDB tables and views in relational databases? What is the difference in treating deleted elements?


  • Alexander from SurrealDB here.

    Our "Pre-computed table views" are similar to materialized views, instead of typical views. Will update that in the documentation.

    They are incrementally updated when inserting/deleting data, which would be more performant than typical views as you wouldn't need to run the entire select statement every time.

    That being said, it appears there might be a bug here, which we'll look into.

    I've created a bug issue for this, which you can track here: