
Error in specifying documentID while creating document in Appwrite Collection

I am trying to create a document in appwrite `

const read = await this.databases.createDocument(config.databaseID, config.userReadCollectionID, JSON.stringify(data),ID.unique());

But i am getting this error. AppwriteException: Invalid documentIdparam: Parameter must contain at most 36 chars. Valid chars are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, period, hyphen, and underscore. Can't start with a special char

I tried slicing the uniqueId to below 36 but it still doesn't works


  • The third parameter to createDocument() is the documentId:

    async createDocument<Document extends Models.Document>(databaseId: string, collectionId: string, documentId: string, data: Omit<Document, keyof Models.Document>, permissions?: string[]): Promise<Document>

    So, it looks like you're passing JSON.stringify(data) for the documentId which is probably invalid. It should probably be:

    const read = await this.databases.createDocument(config.databaseID, config.userReadCollectionID, ID.unique(), data);

    assuming data is a JSON object.