
Remove rows with NAs only for all select columns at start and end of dataset in R

Given the dataset below...

col1  col2  var1  var2  var3
   1     1    NA    NA    NA
   2     2    NA    NA    NA
   3     3    NA     3    NA
   4     4     4     4     4
   5     5     5     5     5
   6     6     6    NA     6
   7     7    NA     7     7
   8     8    NA    NA    NA
   9     9     9    NA    NA
  10    10    NA    NA    NA

...how can I remove rows containing NAs for all select columns only at the start and end in an automated way (and preferably using tidyverse)?

col1  col2  var1  var2  var3
   3     3    NA     3    NA
   4     4     4     4     4
   5     5     5     5     5
   6     6     6    NA     6
   7     7    NA     7     7
   8     8    NA    NA    NA
   9     9     9    NA    NA

So in the example above, how can I remove those rows containing NAs for all of columns var1-var3 only at the start and end of the dataset? That is, only rows 1, 2 and 10 should disappear. (Although row 8 contains NAs for all of these select variables, it should not be removed as it is not at the 'start' or 'end' of the dataset.)

Here is my tidyverse solution:

have <- tibble(col1 = 1:10, col2 = 1:10, var1 = 1:10, var2 = 1:10, var3 = 1:10)
have[c(1, 2, 10), 3:5] <- NA
have[3, c(3, 5)] <- NA
have[6, 4] <- NA
have[7, 3] <- NA
have[8, 3:5] <- NA
have[9, 4:5] <- NA

no_select_vars <- 3 # The number of select variables
want <- have |>
  mutate(no_missing = rowSums(across(-c(col1, col2), ~ is.na(.x)))) |>
  slice(first(which(no_missing < no_select_vars)):n()) |>
  slice(1:last(which(no_missing < no_select_vars))) |>

Is there an existing function for this purpose, or a more elegant solution than mine?


  • One approach is to create an indicator if all of the selected columns are missing (in this case, no_miss if not all are missing).

    Then, you can filter with cumany removing all rows until a TRUE is reached in no_miss at beginning, and then same logic in reverse at the end.

    have %>%
      mutate(no_miss = !if_all(contains("var"), is.na)) %>%
      filter(cumany(no_miss) & rev(cumany(rev(no_miss))))


       col1  col2  var1  var2  var3 no_miss
      <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <lgl>  
    1     3     3    NA     3    NA TRUE   
    2     4     4     4     4     4 TRUE   
    3     5     5     5     5     5 TRUE   
    4     6     6     6    NA     6 TRUE   
    5     7     7    NA     7     7 TRUE   
    6     8     8    NA    NA    NA FALSE  
    7     9     9     9    NA    NA TRUE