
Trend calculation using snowflake sql

I have a request to get the trend for Nov-22 and Dec-22 based on the below data for x 9 & 10. Is it possible to use any of the sql linear regression function to accomplish this request ?

below is a sample, I am trying to get the trend for the unknown (Nov & Dec)

data_table(month, x, y) as
    select * from values
      ('Mar-22',1 ,7894),
      ('Apr-22',2 ,7964),
      ('May-22',3 ,8016),
      ('Jun-22', 4, 8005),
      ('Jul-22', 5, 8063),
      ('Aug-22', 6, 8101),
      ('Sep-22', 7, 8101),
      ('Oct-22', 8, 8204)
SELECT * FROM data_table;

I would like the output to be like:

Month Order Amount Trend
Mar-22 1 7894 7937.622222
Apr-22 2 7964 7983.272222
May-22 3 8016 8028.922222
Jun-22 4 8005 8074.572222
Jul-22 5 8063 8120.222222
Aug-22 6 8101 8165.872222
Sep-22 7 8101 8211.522222
Oct-22 8 8204 8257.172222
Nov-22 9 8305 8302.822222


  • with data_table(month, x, y) as
        select * from values
          ('Mar-22',1 ,7894),
          ('Apr-22',2 ,7964),
          ('May-22',3 ,8016),
          ('Jun-22',4, 8005),
          ('Jul-22',5, 8063),
          ('Aug-22',6, 8101),
          ('Sep-22',7 , 8101),
          ('Oct-22',8 , 8204)
        REGR_SLOPE(y, x) as rs
        ,REGR_INTERCEPT(y,x) as ri
    from data_table;

    works as expected. And thus the extra values can be found:

    with data_table(month, x, y) as
        select * from values
          ('Mar-22',1 ,7894),
          ('Apr-22',2 ,7964),
          ('May-22',3 ,8016),
          ('Jun-22',4, 8005),
          ('Jul-22',5, 8063),
          ('Aug-22',6, 8101),
          ('Sep-22',7 , 8101),
          ('Oct-22',8 , 8204)
        round(ri + (nx*rs),1) as ny
    from values (9),(10) as n(nx)
    cross join (    
            REGR_SLOPE(y, x) as rs
            ,REGR_INTERCEPT(y,x) as ri
        from data_table
    NX NY
    9 8213.2
    10 8250.9

    with estimated values:

    with data_table(month, x, y) as
        select * from values
          ('Mar-22',1 ,7894),
          ('Apr-22',2 ,7964),
          ('May-22',3 ,8016),
          ('Jun-22',4, 8005),
          ('Jul-22',5, 8063),
          ('Aug-22',6, 8101),
          ('Sep-22',7 , 8101),
          ('Oct-22',8 , 8204)
    ), output as (
        select * from data_table
        union all 
        select * from values
         ('Nov-22',9 ,null),
         ('Dec-22',10 ,null)
        round(ri + (n.x*rs),1) as ny
    from output as n
    cross join (    
            REGR_SLOPE(y, x) as rs
            ,REGR_INTERCEPT(y,x) as ri
        from data_table
    order by n.x
    Mar-22 1 7894 7911.5
    Apr-22 2 7964 7949.2
    May-22 3 8016 7986.9
    Jun-22 4 8005 8024.6
    Jul-22 5 8063 8062.4
    Aug-22 6 8101 8100.1
    Sep-22 7 8101 8137.8
    Oct-22 8 8204 8175.5
    Nov-22 9 8213.2
    Dec-22 10 8250.9