I am migrating Spring boot from version 2 to version 3.
In my former implementation, I was based on v2.8.4 documentation and all was working fine.
Currently, ListenerUtils.byteArrayToDeserializationException is removed and I have to use SerializationUtils.byteArrayToDeserializationException.
For this, I am basing on v3.1.x documentation, but I have problems.
The example given in the documentation, precisely this part, does not compile:
DeserializationException deserEx = SerializationUtils.byteArrayToDeserializationException(this.logger,
Theoretically what is passed is a byte[], but the method only admits a Header. So we would need a cast for that. With ListenerUtils I was casting it to byte[]. But now, I cast to Header or RecordHeader, I get the following error -> Foreign deserialization exception header ignored; possible attack? Something like the following:
DeserializationException exception = SerializationUtils.byteArrayToDeserializationException(
new LogAccessor(IndexingService.class),
new RecordHeader(SerializationUtils.KEY_DESERIALIZER_EXCEPTION_HEADER,
(byte[]) headersOfNullItem.get(SerializationUtils.VALUE_DESERIALIZER_EXCEPTION_HEADER)));
I have tried to create a DeserializationExceptionHeader, but it is package-protected.
Am I missing something? How can I avoid that problem so the errors in deserialization are handled?
Edit (as Artem Bilan mentioned):
Instead of
@Header(KafkaHeaders.BATCH_CONVERTED_HEADERS) List<Map<String, Object>> headers
I use
@Header(KafkaHeaders.BATCH_CONVERTED_HEADERS) Headers headers
And I test it as:
private byte[] header(DeserializationException deserEx)
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
new ObjectOutputStream(baos).writeObject(deserEx);
catch (IOException e)
throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
return baos.toByteArray();
Headers headers = new RecordHeaders();
myObjects.forEach(myObject -> headers.add("traceparent", "00-f569e0cc279ef4a0-5d47674154157a2d-01".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)));
DeserializationException deserializationException = new DeserializationException("aDeserializationException", null, false, null);
Header header = new RecordHeader(SerializationUtils.KEY_DESERIALIZER_EXCEPTION_HEADER, header(deserializationException));
classUnderTest.myMethod(myObjects, headers)
But I still get the same error.
And also, when I run the application, I get this error:
org.springframework.core.convert.ConverterNotFoundException: No converter found capable of converting from type [java.util.HashMap<?, ?>] to type [@org.springframework.messaging.handler.annotation.Header org.apache.kafka.common.header.Headers]
I found that giving the following works:
List<ConsumerRecord<String, my_object>> my_method()
which is different to the one which is given in the documentation and I was not able to use it successfully.