
How to load FRL into Clisp?

I downloaded clisp from and cloned FRL from github repo

I tried following the following instructions but on step 3 I got next error:

Break 5 [8]> (load "labs/FRL/init.lisp")
;;     Loading file labs\FRL\init.lisp ...
*** - READ: input stream #<INPUT BUFFERED FILE-STREAM CHARACTER #P"labs\\FRL\\init.lisp" @72> ends within a token
      after multiple escape character
The following restarts are available:
ABORT          :R1      Abort debug loop
ABORT          :R2      Abort debug loop
ABORT          :R3      Abort debug loop
ABORT          :R4      Abort debug loop
SKIP           :R5      skip (PACKAGE-DECLARE FRL GLOBAL ...)
RETRY          :R6      retry (PACKAGE-DECLARE FRL GLOBAL ...)
STOP           :R7      stop loading file D:\University\Subjects\knowledge engineering\CLISP\clisp-2.49\labs\FRL\frlpkg.lisp
ABORT          :R8      Abort debug loop
SKIP           :R9      skip (PACKAGE-DECLARE FRL GLOBAL ...)
RETRY          :R10     retry (PACKAGE-DECLARE FRL GLOBAL ...)
STOP           :R11     stop loading file D:\University\Subjects\knowledge engineering\CLISP\clisp-2.49\labs\FRL\frlpkg.lisp
ABORT          :R12     Abort main loop


  • Briefly, you can't: FRL was written for MACLISP and Franz Lisp, both of which are obsolete Lisp dialects which predated CL. The instructions in setup.text are describing how to get it to work on Franz Lisp (so probably on a Vax). This is historical code.

    You might be able to make a lot of changes to it to make it work, but it's not going to work out of the box. You also might be able to coerce some version of either MACLISP or Franz Lisp to run: MACLISP would need a PDP-10 emulator, there was a port of Franz Lisp to x86 but it was 30 years ago now: I have no idea if it would still work / be possible to make it work.